How I Met Jesus, My Apocalypse Survival Guide

Around 6 years old, I asked Jesus to save me. My dad passed away, so I’ll have to ask Mom how old exactly. Young enough to steal chocolate chips; old enough to know framing my younger brother was wrong.

Even then, I knew I needed Jesus.

It just made sense. I can’t stop doing the bad things I know are wrong. “I’m sorry” is a step towards God. But I can’t do enough good things to make myself right with God.

So I asked, “Jesus, I’m sorry, please save me.”

Jesus basically said, “Done.”

Turns out, Jesus sacrificed His life to save mine. Paraphrase: “I’ll take the punishment for everything you even did or will do. My death has set you free. My resurrection gives you new life.”

Jesus can make me right. Let’s do it. So I took the step of faith. From admiting I’m wrong to asking Jesus to save me.

Luckily, a child can understand it.

I wish the story went “Then she walked closely with God ever since.”

Not really.

Since then, I’ve done a lot of things I regret.

Some mistakes I can talk about in a guide for kids. Some regrets are heavier. I’ve made confessions and apologies to a lot of people on this side of heaven. Eventually, everyone will find out all the things. (fun right?)

All my mistakes boil down to “Jess thought she knew better than God.”

Turns out that is never, ever true.

Hence my personal tagline: Jess needs Jesus. Because Jesus is literally my only hope of getting into heaven.

Not good enough on my own. Not by light years.

Turns out God’s plan didn’t depend on me being good. I just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, so I am saved.

Thank You, Jesus.

So the rest of life is still messy. But Jesus wades through the crazy with me. He is with me always, even to the end of the age.

// Unfinished Notes on Things //

Turns out, in spite of all the bad things that happen in this world, God is good. And God came down from Heaven into this messy world to die for me. Before I did all the bad things. Knowing I would do all of the bad things. Loving me anyway.